Once you have designed the website you wanted, you don’t want to keep it stagnant. One of the primary purposes of having a website is to increase online presence and generate leads. But to close a sale, you first have to find leads. If your website is not gaining the traction you wanted, you might want to mix things up. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still the best way to start the lead generation process, but it does not end there. It would be best to guide your visitors where you want them to go to achieve your goal.

There are a lot of tricks to lure in your customers, so we narrowed them down to the 4 simplest but most effective tactics you can do to generate leads from your website.

1. Strategic CTA Buttons

It is impossible not to have call-to-action buttons on your website but are you using them properly? Place them in very strategic locations where your visitors will likely click them. Use contrasting colors for them to stand out and make very eye-catching phrases. You can choose whether to use a sidebar CTA, in-line CTA, or a slide-in CTA. This may seem very simple and straightforward, but once you track down the customer journey from your website, you will understand how important CTA buttons are in lead generation.

2. Add a Newsletter

Adding a newsletter is a traditional process but still seems very effective. By integrating this feature, your email marketing strategy will come into effect. Most common tools used are Mailchimp and HubSpot. You have the ability to send any information you want directly to your customer or prospect. This is your chance to build brand recall since they will see your email every time they open theirs. You can create a strategic email that may seem very personal to the customer, so they would be more intrigued to click through. Remember: a good subject line is vital here.

3. Create an Easy Contact Form

If you have a credible and convincing website, your visitors will, without a doubt, fill up a contact form. Since it is not a formal interaction yet, create an easy-to-fill-out form with just the basics and not so much of the whole company and self-introduction. If they fill out a contact form, the probability of closing this sale is higher than any other lead generation tactic. Some websites have contact forms on every webpage apart from the actual Contact page, but as long as your content is on par with your customers’ needs, you are already on the right track to generate leads from your website.

4. Install a Livechat Plugin

Since we are now in the digital age, your customers actually expect you to have a website and expect you to be reachable at any time. Installing a LiveChat plugin produces a personal interaction with your customers, and in turn, you will be a step ahead of your competitors in the eyes of your customers. Customers prefer talking to actual people directly, whether it is a concern or an inquiry. An easy and free tool for Livechat is Facebook Chat Plugin.

As you create your website, make sure you have all the tactics to generate leads. Hire a web developer who has actual knowledge in SEO and creating marketable websites like High6. They have digital marketing consultations that help you understand the technical side of your website as well as other platforms which ensures you get the most out of your website. Aside from your website having saleable copies and designs, you should have these key features to help your customer’s journey.