9 Signs that you have to Re-design your Website

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While it is common for a business to update their websites regularly, sometimes a complete re-design is necessary to keep the site relevant. This in itself can be an overwhelming project and can be a burden for business owners. So how do you know when it’s really time for a redesign? Below are some signs you need to watch out for before you go for that website re-design.

1. The website is outdated

The website is outdated

Humans are visual and what gets our attention first is the physical appearance. The same with a website, one of the most important thing that makes a website great is its appeal to customers. Let’s admit it, people don’t like boring and outdated websites. If your website is not able to hold your visitor’s attention then they will most likely not stay and go through what you offer. Your website should have enough artistic and graphical flair. Its layout should also be easy to navigate thru and your call-to-action visible enough so that visitors will not get lost.

2. The website needs to be updated with new functionalities and features

The website needs to be updated with new functionalities and features

Your business website should evolve at the same rate that your actual business is evolving. It should always be updated with your current products and services, removing those that are not being offered anymore. You have to make sure that the content on your website is complete and accurate. Aside from this, it is not enough that your website sticks to a pre-set theme where the functionalities and features cannot be updated. Third-party tools or apps that are outdated and not working should be removed and replaced. The functions and applications used on your website should be perfectly working and secure. Sometimes old tools and apps make your site speed slower too.

3. The website is not optimized correctly

Your website is what most people see first about your business. But that can’t happen if your site takes ages to load. Oddly, most people relate the time it takes to your site to load with how fast or how good your business can deliver. So imagine if a customer goes to your site, intending to avail of your service but does not get a good response out of it. That is one customer lost due to your inefficient website. Re-designing your website to make it optimized to load quickly and be responsive is one of the ways to make sure your visitors avail your products or services.

4. The website needs to be compatible across all devices

The website needs to be compatible across all devices

Statistics show that people are now using their mobile phones when browsing thru the internet more than computers or PCs. That said, your website has to be mobile-friendly as well. In fact, it has to be compatible across all devices available out there. According to Google, 61% of visitors are most probably not going to come back to a website that is not mobile-friendly. If your website is such, then you may want to consider re-designing it.

5. Change in brand or business identity

When your business goes thru a brand or identity change, then it only makes sense that your website will too. Re-designing your website to be relevant to your current brand is a must. The website design, products and services offered, content, contact information and other details must be in-synch with your current brand and identity. This will avoid confusion to your visitors and customers.

6. Your product and service line has diversified

Your product and service line have diversified

The growth in your business can include an increase in your product and service line. This means that your website has to carry these new products and service as well. Having to add them to your existing website may not be as simple. If you want to keep your site coherent given the additional product/service, then re-designing it may be the best way. You may need to change the overall look of your site, its layout, and content. Remember that your website has to have the complete information of your product and service without being too heavy on the information and content.

7. Improve the security of your site

An old security feature on your website can make it vulnerable to hacking. If your site keeps customer information then this can mean a disaster. Having your website re-designed to have an updated and hack-proof security system can be valuable to your business.

8.You’re not seeing any business results

Is your website supposed to bring in leads and sales? Is it contributing to your business goals? If no, then it may be time to consider a website re-design. It could be that your website has a high bounce rate and is not able to retain visitors thus resulting in no leads or sales. If you are clear on what results you want to achieve thru your website, then you can consider them during your re-design process to ensure that you get the most out of it.

9.Your competitor has re-designed their website

To keep your website above par with that of your competitors, a re-design may be needed. If they have already updated their website, then you may want to look into updating yours as well. Again, aesthetics, physical appeal, and relevance are some of the things you need to take note of. If your competitor has these and you don’t, then re-designing your website is a must.

Re-designing your business website will depend on what its current state is. If your website no longer meets the needs of your business then a re-design may be in order. While it is a must to constantly keep your website updated and relevant, there may be changes needed to cater to the new demands of the market. All these are important reasons to be considered when you want to redesign your website to make it more effective and marketable. Let High6, web design & development company in the Philippines, create you a new website.