Design Ideas

Read up on thoughts, ideas, and learnings by High6 web developers,
designers and business developers, across various topics.

Which is Which: WordPress Theme or Template?

Which is Which: WordPress Theme or Template?

You might think Theme and Template may be interchangeable since they are quite similar in thought but a bit different than you think. What is a Theme? A website theme is the overall design of a website. The header and footer banners, color scheme, background,...

6 Important Sections Your Website Must Have

6 Important Sections Your Website Must Have

To give your clients the best experience when they visit your website, you should create an easy-to-navigate website. Visitors should be able to find whatever information they are looking for with ease, or else they will look for it on other websites. Take note that...

Design process with UX in mind

Design process with UX in mind

UX or User Experience is one of the most important aspect of a website. It affects conversion, usability, and the overall experience of users. But, how do we design with UX in mind? What steps should we take in order for us, designers, create a pleasant experience for our users? In this article, I’ll talk about the 5 steps of how I usually design websites for High6 clients.