When do you choose a Web Design Company over a Freelancer

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Website development can be a complex project. Depending on your business needs and requirements, a company or a person offering their professional services may be needed. But how do you know whose service to get? Do you hire a freelancer or an established web design company? Although there are a lot of talented freelancers out there, here are some reasons why you should consider choosing an established web design company over freelancers.

1. Specialization and Services offered

Specialization and Services offered

A web design company have a whole team of people who are experts in their own fields. Hiring one company who has all the skills required to build and maintain your website is better than getting 2 or more freelancers to do the same for you. A web design company is undoubtedly more equipped and capable of offering a wide variety of services that are of good quality. In a web design company, you will be liaising with only one person for all your needs and concerns. This is more convenient than having to talk to a few freelancers.

2. Technology


A great web design company does not take quality lightly. That means they follow a strict standard of their deliverables. And by that, they use quality development services and tools. They have access to the most-updated tools and they can easily leverage technology for their web development. They also have the skills and knowledge to handle these tools to deliver optimal solutions. Some freelancers, on the other hand, maybe relying only on free tools and services which may not deliver the best output.

3. Communication and Deadlines

There’s a world of difference when you are communicating with a well-established company over a freelancer. There is a certain level of professionalism when it comes to working with a company. At the same time, any issue that causes the freelancer to be unable to complete the project means you are left with nothing. Having no backup may mean disaster for you as well. However, for a web design company, it is easy for them to get others to the team to work on your website and deliver as promised.

4. Trust and Reliability

It takes a whole lot of effort to build a good reputation and trust for a company. Established web design companies already have a portfolio of customers that availed of their services. You can be sure that they are reliable and committed to delivering what was promised. Unlike freelancers who can disappear in mid-project and leave you hanging with an unfinished project.

5. Cost and Budget Friendly

Cost and Budget Friendly

Most businesses think that getting the services of a web design company is always more expensive than getting a freelancer to do the job. Though it may be true, it will still depend on what services you require. If you are looking for just a normal service then it can be low and cheap. But if you need designs to be built from scratch with functionalities that are very much customized to your business needs then you need to raise your budget as well.

Choosing a web design company over a freelancer completely depends on your business needs and of course, your budget. Working with any of them may have their own pros and cons and it can be a tricky choice. Whether you choose a freelancer or a web design company, make sure that you read the reviews about them and get their sample portfolio before you avail of their service.