Social media has been a powerful tool when it comes to promoting ideas, marketing concepts, generating leads, and reaching prospects. As JSMM-VBM articulates it, “The most successful companies receive real-time feedback from their customers and prospects which is largely available today through social media channels. As branding becomes less important and is replaced by engaging customers in an ongoing dialogue or conversation and engaging customers on an emotional level, social media becomes a primary marketing channel.”

Businesses who want to take advantage of social media to grow brands must take into consideration the opportunities which lie in social chain. In order to develop a strong social chain, one should leverage creative methods, strategies, influencers, and events to keep engaging with people on social media. Succeeding means understanding the language of your audience, offering them something unique and being prepared to communicate your brand in the most creative way you can.

Using Creativity

Coming up with something creative is never easy, especially in today’s case where everyone is trying to win at creativity. That’s because creative contents are what drawing people closer together.

You can begin your creative desire by searching for viral and award-winning campaigns to see what other people are doing. Take your time to work and build a big idea. You may think that the bigger and more creative your idea is the more people it will attract, however, most social campaign ideas are elementary and straightforward.

Developing a Strategy that Works

The success of your strategy will greatly depend on the kind of people on your team. If you don’t have one, then you need to set up first a group of intelligent, creative, hardworking, and most importantly passionate people. Identify your business goals and build your strategy in a way that will satisfy it. Not every marketing campaign may work for you, so you should come up with something that deals explicitly with your marketing objectives and target them toward your specific consumer base.

Taking Advantage of Influencers

Social media influencers are basically celebrities, social media stars, and content creators that have a huge following and are committed to a particular style of publishing. Whatever you do, there are social media influencers out there that can help spread the word about your campaign and get millions of people to like your page. Taking advantage of these influencers will help you generate high-quality leads, improve search ranking, engage new target audiences, drive conversion and ultimately build trust between the distributor and the audience. In addition, influencer marketing is native, so it performs better than traditional ads, increase your ROI and offer immense opportunity to do something differently.

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is key to your social media campaign. Do a little research about the kind of people following you and try to come up with the ideas they will find more exciting and fun. Remember, everyone is looking for something that will give them excitement and make them feel they belong, something they can share with family and friends. Conducting a market or online consumer behavior survey might be necessary. Check comments, likes, and shares and do interviews if and when possible.

Making Use of All Avenues

One more good thing about social media is the various platforms available. When carrying out your social chain, make use of all the social media platforms that are relevant to your campaign strategy, like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn, etc. Utilize some tools that allow you to attach timing to your postings so you can deliver it to your audience exactly when most of them are available online.

Wrapping Up

Your social chain has to be well thought out before you get it out there. You don’t want to send it out only for people to point out errors. Know your audience, come up with a creative plan and put up a strategy that is unique and unbeatable. Make use of social media platforms relevant to your business and deliver a message people will be talking about for a long time.