Real estate storytelling is a marketing strategy which combines texts, videos, websites, social media posts, and other branding elements to tell an emotional story about the properties, cities, or neighborhoods of the real estate agent’s area. Stories get more engagements from potential buyers because stories capture the emotions of its viewers. Storytelling also seems more authentic compared to other traditional marketing or advertising techniques.

With emotional storytelling, your potential buyers would dream about living in the area that you are featuring. They could be swayed because of the schools that you talked about or the climate that they can experience in that place. These people who have viewed your story would be talking about what they felt when they watched it. So, let us discuss emotional storytelling and its role in the real estate game.


Nowadays, videos are the most engaging social media posts on the internet. Potential clients want to see the properties themselves other than just reading about them. When you use any social media outlet, you can see for yourself that the best and most popular way to engage with followers or customers is to create videos that could evoke emotions. For example, you are marketing Tagaytay Highlands’ Vireya Resort, so you could show the great views of the neighborhood and talk about the great weather in that place. Another great thing about videos is that it can be done by amateurs and still be viral. Most, if not all, smartphones can shoot high-resolution videos. So, anyone can create and edit a video using only their smartphone. However, if you cannot do it properly, then ask for professional help.


Facebook is one of the most famous platforms for businesses. It is crucial for business owners to have a Facebook page for their business because there are billions of people on Facebook. The potential to reach millions of people quickly is always there. One good video could go viral and become the most talked about topic for days or weeks worldwide which means that your business will grow famous too. Take advantage of Facebook groups and Facebook Stories. Groups are great for targeting a specific market. Therefore, people who would be seeing your story are potentially more interested than other people.


Instagram is another popular social media platform that focuses on pictures and videos which is why it is excellent for storytelling. People are more interested in posts that could excite or give them some emotion while seeing it. Show the local charity events in your area to show the compassionate side of the residents in your area, or you could also post about the great work of the policemen in that area to show the security of the place. When using Instagram, make sure that the photos that you post are well-made or professionally-made. The picture should be eye-catching that Instagram users would stop scrolling to like and comment on your post. Merely posting regularly is not good enough. The post should give emotions to your followers to persuade them to buy a property from you.


People are emotional beings. We usually react based on our emotions. That being said, make sure that the emotion that you are giving your viewers would be beneficial to your business. Go ahead and tell your story!