Digital transformation is an important tool or asset in every company, especially today as the world continues to depend and lean more into the digital world and anything tech-related. Digital transformation or DX refers to the process of going “paperless” or the act of shifting and transforming old business processes into modern, innovative ones. Today, many businesses push digital transformation forward as this can help generate higher income as well as improve user and customer experience.

At such a time wherein technology is changing and advancing at such an exponential rate, digital transformation has become more than just a choice, but rather a necessity. More than a mere option, it has now become an inevitability. Which is the very reason why IDC DX Awards honors many organizations’ achievements and progresses relating to digital transformation as a way to also encourage other businesses to go full-on digital or at least digitize a couple of business processes.

If your organization still hasn’t shifted into digital transformation, then you’re clearly missing out on a lot of opportunities. Do you want to excel in today’s digital era, where there is a heightened rate of organization shifting towards the digital aspect? Let me help you with that. First, start with the basics: ask yourself fundamental questions to distinguish whether or not you’re doing the right things. Don’t know which questions to ask? Fortunately for you, I have it all listed down below! Here are questions you need to ask yourself to help you get your digital transformation efforts right:

Why Am I Engaging In Digital Transformation?

The most basic yet essential question of it all lies in the “why.” Why are you engaging in digital transformation?

It’s important to take note of this. Are you merely just trying to get in the latest trends or do you really plan on growing and maturing more digital-wise? Be purposeful if you must, not reactionary. Digital transformation means wanting to transform the way you serve your customers and even your own organization. Digital transformation is more than just a trend. What are your motives? Do you actually have real business goals? Is it relevant to your business? Take a few moments and ask yourselves this question, then start fixing where it may go wrong.

Do My Executives and Peers Support The Idea Of Transformation?

Most of the time, business processes fail and situations are cut short because of the people surrounding it. Do you have the full support of your executives and peers towards pushing digital transformation forward? Nowadays, so much organizations are afraid of change as this might be the cause of either a downfall or disunity. Before engaging in any actual transformation and commencing digital efforts and business processes, make sure you have the full support of your team of shifting from old business processes into new, innovative ones. Having differing agendas can make or break your digital transformation efforts, so it’s best to be sure now than sorry later.

What Holds Them Back?

The next question to ask (well, after finding out whether or not your team’s in favor of transformation) is: what holds them back?

What could possibly hold these people back? You might want to ask them this question as well, so you’d know right then and there. From there, you can start explaining to them some points of the whole digital transformation framework or idea. Who knows, they could only be confused one second and educated the next. You’ll never know unless you ask. You’ll never know unless you try.

What Is “Digital” And What Does It Even Mean To You?

Digital transformation has several definitions, depending on an organization and its needs. Make sure that you know firsthand what your business needs and prefers. From there, you can start defining what digital is for you, and how it could help your company thrive in such a fast-growing environment. More than anything, make sure your scope is accurate and that you and your team have a common understanding of everything before commencing on your digital transformation journey.

Wrapping Up

Each organization is different, so everything really comes down to how you understand your company’s goals and objectives, and how digital transformation is going to help achieve all those. Make sure everything is relevant and can contribute to educating your organization and bringing you success. When beginning a digital transformation journey, be sure to list down all possible similarities you may have with other businesses, analyze, and align digital transformation with the entirety of your business goals and objectives. It’s going to get challenging, and you definitely will encounter mistakes and failures, but it’s part of the entire process. You have to be willing to fail in order to get to success.