Ecommerce Development
Service in the Philippines
that has Wide Experience in
Building Online Stores

Ecommerce is vital in business nowadays, with the increase cost of store rentals and the advancement of technology and the acceptance of shoppers to buy online, it’s no doubt that Ecommerce will continue to grow and probably out do the traditional way of shopping. Let High6, a trusted Ecommerce development service provider in the Philippines, build you a complete online store solution now.



Complete Ecommerce solution to start making money online

Content Management System

Easily update products and website content


Monitor and update stock inventory

Online Payment

Allow customers to choose several payment options

Sales Report

Keep updated with sales progress

Google Analytics

Analyze visitors demographic and behavior

Rewards (Add On)

Reward loyal customers or new sign ups

Benefits Of Having Your Own Online Store

We believe that every business who would like to increase their sales, but are not willing to increase their operation cost should opt for an ecommerce website, it will serve as an extension of your existing stores or branches. And if your competitors has an Ecommerce store and you don’t, there is a possibility that you’ll lose sales to them. Learn more about how the Ecommerce industry is doing in the Philippines.

Here are some benefits of having your own ecommerce website.

High6 - Vision

Open 24 By 7 And 365 Days

You might be sleeping but some of your customers are not, you can sell to your clients even if it’s midnight. And not to mention you might have customers on a different time zone, which are wide awake at night.

Everything is Automated

Everything is Automated

You don’t have to worry about order or inventory tracking. With an ecommerce website everything is monitored including your sales and inventory. It will even let you know your top selling items and loyal customers. What you only need to do is deliver the goods or services. Here is a more detailed process of Ecommerce based from Woocommerce, a wordpress Ecommerce platform.

Very Convenient

Very Convenient

Imagine sitting in front of your computer, clicking on the products you want to buy and you’re done. Just wait for the items to arrive at your doorstep. No need to go thru the hassle of traffic jams, waste time waiting in long lines, and spending unnecessary gasoline and parking expenses. How convenient is that! That is how most of your clients are thinking now.

Increase Brand Awareness

Increase Brand Awareness

Having an Ecommerce website allows you to market and make campaigns online. You can create a rewards program that would make your current clients more loyal to you or attract potential customers to buy from you. You can even invite affiliate marketers to help you sell your products and services online, thus boost your online presence.

Open To Global Market

Open To Global Market

Courier services are getting cheaper each day, so it’s not hard and expensive for you to ship your goods across the world. With ecommerce website you can tap the global market and instantly increase your customer base, which is not possible in a physical store.

Accept Online Payment

Accept Online Payment

Hassle free Integration with PayPal, credit card, and other payment gateways. You don’t have to deal with bank requirements, like maintaining the sales volume and account balance monthly. The payment gateways can be setup in few minutes to accept payments from your website.

Our eCommerce Development Process

We work closely with clients to make sure we meet their objectives

High6 - Vision

1. Vision

We start with capturing and envisioning your idea, we get your detailed requirements, such as your target audience and main objective of the online shop.

High6 - Research

2. Research

Then we research on your competitors, keywords for SEO, look for inspirational designs, identify website functionality, and collect suitable stock photos and typography.

High6 - Design

3. Design

Our graphic artist will start designing the layout or wireframe and collaborate with you, then come up with a mockup to get your feedback, and repeat the process until you’ve approved the design.

High6 - Develop

4. Develop

Our experienced ecommerce developers will then develop the online shop according to the approved mockup and provide a preview link to your website for another feedback and testing.

High6 - Training

5. Training

We will provide training on how to track orders, inventory and payment. And how to check the sales report etc.

High6 - Testing

6. Testing

It’s crucial to test the online shops, the process the online payment, the shipping cost, and make sure that everything is working properly.

High6 - Launch

7. Launch

Once everything is completed, we are ready to launch the online store. We will provide you online user’s manual, and give you another detailed training.

High6 - Support

8. Support

Support team will be on standby for any concerns or requests you may have with your ecommerce website. Just drop an email to our support group to get a quick response.

More than just beautiful websites, we also provide strong support

In our years of experience, most clients have a hard time managing and maintaining their own website. Some clients have IT personnel, but lack the skills needed in website maintenance. That is why eventually High6 offers not only doing the website for the client but also managing and maintaining it.

You don’t have to worry about web hosting, the specs needed, configuration of emails, and most importantly the security of the website. We update the software and perform backups regularly, we also do regular screening to your website, making sure that it’s running smoothly.

Sometimes clients can be very busy that they don’t have time to update their website, we totally understand you that is why we help you update your website, so that you don’t miss a campaign, a new product, a promo or an announcement.

Some of our clients came from other website provider, and their usual horror stories are: the website provider is not responding to our concerns or requests, our website got hacked, I cannot update my website, my website is slow, etc.

At High6, web design & development service provider, we remove these type of unnecessary headaches, we manage your website, allowing you to concentrate on your business.

Some Questions that you might Have in Mind

What are the differences between High6, online store solution and Shopify?

You don’t have to do the online shop web design yourself, we do it for you and we even help you encode your initial data.

You have full control of the source code, you are not dependent on any platforms or company. In the event that the ecommerce provider’s business closed down, you can transfer your online shop to a different server.

It’s fully customizable, you can add new features and functionalities

Why should I hire High6, Ecommerce Development Company instead of Freelancers?

Track record. We have a lot of experience in developing Ecommerce Website

Worry free. Some of our clients shifted from Freelancers to High6, their primary reason is there is no strong support from freelancer. They don’t have the manpower to support several projects.

Affordable. You will be surprised that our price is not high like other digital marketing agencies or ecommerce development companies. Why don’t give us a try, contact us.

What Ecommerce platform are we using?

We are using the most famous, most flexible, and most customizable ecommerce platform called WooCommerce. As of 2018 the market share of WooCommerce is 42% compare to all ecommerce platforms

2018 Market Share of eCommerce Platforms