Video marketing campaigns have never been more effective at turning business prospects into leads and customers that it is today. As a matter of fact, researches revealed that it’s 50x easier to reach Google’s first page with a video. An explainer video production discusses in their blog the importance of video marketing in today’s digital era.

The story is the core of every campaign, be it from traditional or digital marketing. And when it comes to content creation, a video provides the most engaging form of content you can come up with that is fit to all devices. However, some individuals mistakenly believe video marketing as a silver bullet. Video marketing would not automatically get attention for your business, and you won’t succeed right away upon having videos online.

Having said that, if you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to think about some of the things you can do. This guide will present you some top tips you should be doing to succeed in your next video marketing campaign.

1. Begin with a story that people care about.

The reason why videos are so engaging is not that they repeat the same content found in written blogs. Rather, they show an exciting story people would want to hear. The most influential videos are those which connect with a target audience through some form of an inspiring story.

Simple videos that show your product is going to get you nothing but little results. Learn to present your product into a story, and the results will surely rocket your viewership.

Each trending video nowadays has a fun and engaging story. The brand is secondary, yet the video is still better for your company in the long-term.

2. Keep your videos short, but punchy.

The length of videos is one marketing aspect that many people have looked into. A handful of studies have concluded that the most number of customers have shorter attention spans now than ever. Well, it should come with no surprise. There’s too much content available on the internet that as you view something, you’re pulled in another direction. With lots of online materials, people have learned to skip the ones that don’t really entice them.

Experiments have also found out that today’s shorter videos have higher conversion rates compared to longer ones. Remember that most people are going to watch your video in a 30-second window before they get off the bus. That being said, the ideal length of a video today is about a minute. Consider that the longer your videos take, the higher your bounce rates could be.

Never lose the opportunity of getting your message across your platform because you have insisted on creating a feature.

3. Include a ‘call to action’ button.

One big common mistake businesses make with video content is they allow the video to fade to black completely. Doing that could be the worst thing because you’ve got a great video without any direction as to where you would want your audience and customers to go next.

The last few seconds of your video should be dedicated to including your contact information and providing a firm call to action. Ensure that the buttons will take viewers exactly to where you want them to go. Rocky wells of 12StarMedia discusses 4 ways to include a call to action on videos.

After all, your video is part of your marketing strategy.

4. Learn to post your videos in multiple locations.

If you are not having the results that you want, then your video distribution could be the problem. Your target audience could be on an entirely different network than you. With that, if your most traffic is acquired in portals, then it’s only crucial to post your video on your website. But if most of your target market is hanging out on YouTube or Facebook, for example, then it’s crucial to share, if not post, your videos on these social media platforms so you can reach the right people. 

You should think about how you can expand your video distribution. Sharing to other platforms could be handy to reach more target market.

5. Manage data to identify your next course of action.

Perhaps you’ll nod when we say that data is everything in the business world. It is the only through this that you can be sure that what you’re doing is right. You must have a data-gathering procedure in place so you can chart your campaign progress of each video you create. Through those data, you ought to know if people respond to your videos or do they just immediately bounce off. You can check out this blog for a list of top online video analytics tools that you can use.

The data you’ll get can be vital to your next production.

Wrapping Up

When used correctly, video marketing can be notably effective. However, it’s not going to happen without some careful considerations from your end before launching your next video marketing campaign.