Business Ideas

Read up on thoughts, ideas, and learnings by High6 web developers,
designers and business developers, across various topics.

Why Filipino Entrepreneurs Went Fully Digital

Why Filipino Entrepreneurs Went Fully Digital

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the whole world a few years back, we have lived in this so-called "New Normal" where everything is now fully digital. Since Filipinos aren't tech-forward, we initially had difficulty adjusting. The current global situation caused...

Speed Up ROI By Using Digital Channels

Speed Up ROI By Using Digital Channels

Return on Investment or ROI is the most important thing you should look at when running a business but ROI does not come easy, especially during the pandemic. Now that we are in the digital age, all of us should utilize that to the best of our ability. 68% of the...

Questions to Help You Get Your DX Right

Questions to Help You Get Your DX Right

Digital transformation is an important tool or asset in every company, especially today as the world continues to depend and lean more into the digital world and anything tech-related. Digital transformation or DX refers to the process of going “paperless” or the act...

What It Takes to Become a Digital Leader

What It Takes to Become a Digital Leader

Since the uprising of technology, all businesses can significantly benefit from having a digital leader. There is no concrete definition of what a digital leader means. Digital leadership is the tactical use of digital assets to become more flexible to the growing...

Developing a Strong Social Chain

Developing a Strong Social Chain

Social media has been a powerful tool when it comes to promoting ideas, marketing concepts, generating leads, and reaching prospects. As JSMM-VBM articulates it, “The most successful companies receive real-time feedback from their customers and prospects which is...

7 Ways on How to Market your Website

7 Ways on How to Market your Website

Efficiency and productivity are two of the most important things that a business should have to become successful. As an Entrepreneur, you may be constantly looking for ways to help you maximize your time and give your business an edge over other competitors. Having the right tools can help with this. There are tons of free tools on the web but we have curated 30 of the must-haves for you and your business.

7 Reasons why you still need a Website

7 Reasons why you still need a Website

Most business owners nowadays rely mostly on Facebook for their online presence. And who can blame them? Facebook has about around 2 billion mobile users and people are more active on Facebook than on any other social media. However, it is important to note that having a professional website for your business is a must as well.

Discover Philippines’ Ecommerce Industry

Discover Philippines’ Ecommerce Industry

If you are someone who has not heard of the term Ecommerce then it’s best to come out of the rock that you are under. Its been gaining so much ground at a really fast pace in the Philippines. The Philippines have the fastest growing internet population which translates to more people purchasing goods and services online. Here, we discuss the Ecommerce state of the Philippines.

30 Must Try Free Tools For Entrepreneurs

30 Must Try Free Tools For Entrepreneurs

Efficiency and productivity are two of the most important things that a business should have to become successful. As an Entrepreneur, you may be constantly looking for ways to help you maximize your time and improve your business. We have curated 30 must try free tools for you and your business.

Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail

Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail

Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail? Here are 2 areas in business as Patrick David, the author of the video, shared. The first one is sales and marketing, which he referred to as the Front end and the other one is the system or automation, which he referred to as the Back End. Read up as we uncover how these two things affects businesses.

High6 Ranked As Top 30 Web Design Agency

High6 Ranked As Top 30 Web Design Agency

High6 has been recognized as a Top Digital Advertising Agency in 2021 by DesignRush. DesignRush is a B2B marketplace that connects brands with professional full-service agencies, web design companies, digital marketing firms, and top technology companies. Their...