We.Stream Site Preview

NihonLTC Web Design


Functional Sites, Design, Services, Education, Training

We believe that once a student enroll in our Center he is one of our children, and we will treat them as such. We know that for the students to gain confidence, knowledge and determination to learn and speak the Japanese Language they must feel intimacy in the learning environment.

We have created fun and relaxing activities during sessions to ensure that each session will leave the students thirsting for more classes.

We have created a curriculum specially designed for an interactive session. We incorporated project presentations, music, film and theatre while seeking to take the focus off the language to make the process of learning as natural as possible in an academic setting.

Our sincere care for each student’s future comparable to the sincerity of a mother to a child is our Core value – being a Family oriented Center.

Responsive Design

High6 made sure that NihonLTC’ website looks good in mobile, as more and more visitors are surfing the internet thru their mobile phones.

We.Stream Responsive Design
We.Stream How It Works Quick View


We also implemented a Courses offered in the website which will help website visitor to easily find the course they prefer.

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