Stareye Specs Site Preview

Stareye Specs Corp. Web Design

High6 is privilege to develop the website of Stareye Specs Corporation, a distributor of optical eye wear, sunglasses, accessories and instruments.

The main objective of the website is to boost brand awareness, letting website visitors know more about who and what does Stareye Specs is.

Below are some of the website functionality that we have included.

Responsive Design

High6 made sure that Stareye Specs website looks good in mobile, as more and more visitors are surfing the internet thru their mobile phones.
Stareye Specs Mobile Responsive

Product Brand Slider

Our web developers added a useful functionality on each Stareye Specs brand pages, it is a brand slider which displays all the brands unders one category, it helps site visitors to jump from one brand to another by just clicking on any item on the slider.

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