Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc. Site Preview

Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc. Web Design

High6 is privileged to develop the website of Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc., a contractor that specializes in activating commercial spaces via interior fit-out, activation of exhibit booths and visual advertising solutions for any commercial display environments.

The main objective of the website is to gain leads and showcase their services and show prospects that they are credible.

Below is some website functionality that we have included.

Responsive Design

High6 made sure that Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc. website looks good in mobile, as more and more visitors are surfing the internet and shopping online thru their mobile phones.

Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc Mobile Responsive

Banner Animation

Our web developers have implemented a slider with animations on the website, each of those sliders shows their finished products.

Logo Brand Slider

Our web developer added a beautiful way of displaying the Logo in a slider that continues to slide.

Wikreate Konzepts Design Hub Inc. Contact Form

Contact Form

Our web developers also make sure that website visitors can easily send inquiries and message via the contact form and also integrates a Google Map so users can use a feature like Google Street View where they can have a real 360 degrees view on an area on the map.

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