You Have A Website. Now What?

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So, you already spent a significant amount of your time and resources to have your website built. What happens next? As we all know, the internet is a constantly growing and evolving media. New information replaces the old within a matter of hours. Keeping your website relevant and fresh is a must. Here are some ways.

1. Keep content fresh and updated

One of the ways to get your visitors to keep coming back to your website is to have new content often and regularly. An updated and relevant website will drive more traffic to your site and help you become an authority in your industry. No, you don’t really need to create tons of content to have a fresh website. You can start with one article per week which you can re-use or re-purpose into infographics, social updates, email blasts and more. Aside from blog posts, you can also add videos and images to your website. These could be training videos, step-by-step instructional or product demos. These can easily capture your customers’ interest and encourage them to come back frequently to your website especially if they find useful information there. Aside from this, promos and announcements should be kept up-to-date as well. Keeping old and lapsed promos on your website may confuse customers or give an impression that your business is no longer operational.

2. Always aim to rank high

Having fresh content on your website does not automatically mean your site will rank high. However, fresh content will give you a chance of higher indexing. This gives an opportunity for your site to achieve higher rankings based on the content you provide. Every time an update is made on your website, search engines take notice and re-arranges your site’s ranking. Thus, if you want to increase your site’s chances of getting a higher rank, updating the website’s content frequently will definitely help. Keep in mind though that quantity does not mean a sure seat in the rankings. It is still based on the quality of the content being shared. So, keeping your standards high in terms of content creation is also a must.

3. Keep up with the design trends

Fresh content may not be enough to keep your customers to keep coming back to your website. You also need to ensure that your website is updated in terms of its design and navigation features. Your website should be kept mobile-friendly as web traffic is now coming from mobile devices. It should focus on the needs of your customers – easily accessible with engaging content. Your target market may change over time as your business expands so your website needs to adapt to that as well. There may be a need to introduce new tools, features or content to keep up with these changes.

Our everyday lives are driven by change and by having the latest information easily and accessible. We like things to be new, fresh and up to date. Your business website should be able to adapt to all these and more.